Examples Collection

This example shows data representation for several muscle mass parameters.

Standard(s): SDTM

This example shows how to represent data from test kits used to evaluate a multigene panel test and RNA in an oncology study.

Standard(s): SDTM

This example shows data represented on the subject's pancreatic cancer Ki67 microscopic findings.

Standard(s): SDTM

This example shows laboratory tests that may be performed on subjects with pancreatic cancer.

Standard(s): SDTM

This example shows data represented about the subject's pancreatic cancer stent placement.

Standard(s): SDTM

This is an example of a CRF showing information collected about a subject's adenocarcinoma pancreatic cancer history.

Standard(s): CDASH

This example shows an example CRF for information collected about study and pre-study stent placement.

Standard(s): CDASH

This ADGFR example focuses on specific variables useful for analysis based on the selected composite endpoint: death through day 90, initiation of RRT through day 90, or >=25% decrease in eGFR at day 90 visit.

Standard(s): ADaM

This is an example of a BDS dataset with summary occurrence and date information about the composite endpoint.

Standard(s): ADaM

This example shows data on urine albumin, protein, creatinine, and associated ratios to assess the current episode of AKI.

Standard(s): SDTMIG

This example shows data collected about renal replacement therapy.

Standard(s): CDASH

This example shows serum creatinine and eGFR measurements.

Standard(s): SDTMIG