Examples Collection

This example shows data for renal replacement therapy.

Standard(s): SDTMIG

This example shows information about date of diagnosis and type of diabetes.

Standard(s): SDTMIG

This example shows cardiac surgery data for a study focused on prevention of AKI after cardiac surgery.

Standard(s): SDTMIG

This example shows information for all-cause death, including primary and secondary causes and location.

Standard(s): SDTMIG

This example shows information on background treatment for a heart failure patient.

Standard(s): SDTMIG

This example shows information on lab tests for a heart failure patient.

Standard(s): SDTMIG

This example shows information about hospitalization visits due to heart failure.

Standard(s): SDTMIG

This example shows a how a Basic Data Structure (BDS) analysis dataset might be constructed to support a Days Alive and Out of Hospital composite endpoint.

Standard(s): ADaM

This example ADSL dataset shows information to directly support an endpoint in a heart failure study.

Standard(s): ADaM

This example shows the representation of medical history data related to the subject's heart failure diagnosis and the most recent episode of worsening heart failure.

Standard(s): SDTMIG

This is an example showing measures of cardiac function that were obtained at baseline in a heart failure study.

Standard(s): SDTMIG

This example shows information information on unscheduled healthcare visits and the treatments that may be administrated at such visits.

Standard(s): SDTMIG