
CDASH: The Clinical Data Acquisition Standards Harmonization Implementation Guide (CDASHIG) establishes a standard way to collect data consistently across studies and sponsors so that data collection formats and structures provide clear traceability of submission data into the SDTM, delivering more transparency to regulators and others who conduct data review. The following videos introduce you to the CDASH model and the CDASHIG.


The latest versions of the Clinical Data Acquisition Standards Harmonization Implementation Guides (CDASHIGs) have been developed in reference to a specific CDASH model. However, the CDASH model is cumulative – each new release builds on the previous model. Therefore, the models are considered backward compatible.

Therapeutic Area User Guides

Therapeutic Area User Guides (TAUGs) extend the Foundational Standards to represent data that pertains to specific disease areas. TAUGs include disease-specific metadata, examples and guidance on implementing CDISC standards for a variety of uses, including global regulatory submissions. The following video will introduce you to TAUGs and how they relate to CDISC Foundational Standards.

Controlled Terminology

Controlled Terminology is the set of codelists and valid values used with data items within CDISC-defined datasets. The following video introduces you to CDISC Controlled Terminology and how it is used with CDISC standards.


Traceability is a fundamental element of data quality and a requirement for studies submitted to regulatory authorities. From data collection to final analysis, traceability plays a crucial role in ensuring the integrity of source data and in reinforcing clinical research results. The following video provides an introduction to implementing traceability in CDISC-compliant studies.

Regulatory Requirements

CDISC standards are required or recommended by several global regulatory agencies. Standardized data enables regulators to streamline the review process with a more consistent use of analysis tools to better view drug data and highlight areas of concern. The following video introduces you to regulatory requirements and the use of CDISC standards.

Team Guiding Principles

Standards in Development


For current versions of the standards, please visit the Standards Home Page.

Standard Sort descending Release Notes Projected Publication
ADaM Oncology Examples

Resolving Public Review Comments

ADaM v3.0

In Development

CT Relationships for SDTM v1.7, SDTMIG v3.3, SDTMIG-MD v1.1

Resolving Public Review Comments

SDTM v2.2

In Development


In Development


In Development


Data Exchange

Therapeutic Areas

For current versions of the Therapeutic Area (TA) standards, please visit the TA Home Page.

Therapeutic Area Sort descending Release Notes Projected Publication
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Therapeutic Area User Guide v1.0

Version 1.0 of the Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Therapeutic Area User Guide (TAUG-DMD) was developed under the CFAST Program and the CDISC Standards Development Process. The TAUG-DMD describes the most common biomedical concepts relevant to Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, and the necessary metadata to represent such data consistently with Terminology and  SDTM.

TA Standards extend the Foundational Standards to represent data that pertain to specific indications within disease areas. CDISC Standards specify how to structure the data; they do not specify what data should be collected or how to conduct clinical trials, assessments or endpoints.

Public Review Comments

CDISC posts Public Review comments and resolutions to ensure transparency and show implementers how comments were addressed in the standard development process.

TA Specifications

TA Specifications show how to modify TAUG examples for various versions of the SDTM and SDTMIG. These specifications assist the FDA and the Japanese PMDA with testing to enable support of the standards and inclusion in their respective Technical Conformance Guides.1,2

The specifications comprise five worksheets in an Excel workbook:

  • Read Me – Information on how to read the other worksheets
  • Summary – Table of Contents for the TAUG annotated with examples and the domains and variables they use
  • Known Issues – A list of modeling issues noted in the TAUG
  • Domains – Domains used and their status in different versions of the SDTMIG
  • Variables – Variables used and their status in different versions of the SDTM

Knowledge Base