CDISC works closely with pharmaceutical organizations around the globe to develop high-quality standards that ensure compliance with regulatory guidelines and create clarity in clinical research. As we evolve alongside the rapidly changing research landscape and welcomes new opportunities for innovation, we will continue to facilitate open, transparent communication about upcoming developments, provide educational opportunities to ensure the use of CDISC standards is as seamless as possible, and strive to make our standards even more beneficial for pharmaceutical organizations around the world.
- Quality standards: For over 20 years, we've taken a rigorous approach to developing and advancing data standards for clinical research and beyond. Each standard is informed and shaped by the expertise of those at the forefront of research today, making them not just of the highest quality, but also attuned to the practicalities you encounter as you implement them.
- Greater efficiencies: CDISC standards are recognized and required by leading regulatory agencies (US FDA and Japan PMDA) around the world. Not only do our standards drive operational efficiencies within the organizations that use them, they also expedite the regulatory review process and reduce time to market.
- Focus on breakthroughs: Researchers spend a substantial amount of time deciphering, translating, and mapping unstandardized data. Implementing CDISC standards means that data can be structured effectively and easily analyzed, leaving more time to focus on discoveries that will have invaluable impact on clinical research and global health.