Biomedical Concepts and SDTM Dataset Specializations

Comments Due By


CDISC invites you to submit comments on the draft Biomedical Concepts and corresponding SDTM Dataset Specializations during the 60-day Public Review period.

Content for Review:

To Provide Comments:

Public Review opens 16 May and closes 16 July 2024.

Public Review Webinar:

We also invite you to register and attend the BC Public Review Webinar on Thursday, May 16th, 2024 at 11:00am-12:30pm US Eastern Time, where representatives from the CDISC BC team will present an overview of the BC content, as well as providing information on how to provide public review comments.

Public review is a key quality step in our Standards Development Process. CDISC relies on your input to ensure neutral, consensus-based data standards are developed and adopted by a diverse global community interested in improving research processes and quality for the benefit of all.

Thank you for contributing your time and expertise.