What we do:

Create Clarity

In the ever-evolving and complex clinical research landscape, CDISC provides critical clarity. We develop and advance data standards of the highest quality to transform incompatible formats, inconsistent methodologies, and diverse perspectives into a powerful framework for generating clinical research data that is as accessible as it is illuminating.

How we do it:

Individual Contributions.

Collective Power.

CDISC convenes a global community of research experts representing a range of experiences and backgrounds. Each brings a vision, we bring the blueprint. They develop the data, we develop the platform. They provide the insights, we provide the focus. With everyone contributing their unique strengths, we’re able to harness our collective power to drive more meaningful clinical research.

Why we do it:

To Amplify Data's Impact

CDISC is driven by the belief that the true measure of data is the impact it has, but for far too long, its full potential wasn’t being realized. So, we enable the accessibility, interoperability, and reusability of data, helping the entire field of clinical research tap into—and amplify—its full value. From greater efficiency to unprecedented discoveries, we make it possible to turn information into invaluable impact for clinical research and global health.

Standards Development


CDISC Team & Volunteers

CDISC Library