Dataset-JSON v1.1

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CDISC is pleased to announce the draft v1.1 of Dataset-JSON is entering the Public Review period to solicit your feedback.

Dataset-JSON v1.1:

  • is a dataset exchange standard for exchanging tabular data leveraging JSON, designed to meet regulatory submission needs and eliminate the limitations of legacy formats. 
  • is an update to the v1.0 version released with ODM v2.0 in August 2023; the updates are primarily based on the findings from the Dataset-JSON as an Alternative Transport Format for Regulatory Submissions Pilot, completed in June 2024.
  • consists of a draft specification, a new draft user guide, example datasets, and schemas. The user guide and example datasets are informative content.

Public Review closes 10 October 2024.

View the draft specification and user guide: Dataset-JSON v1.1.

View the dataset examples and schemas in GitHub: DataExchange-DatasetJson Repository.

You will need to log in to or register for the CDISC Wiki to provide comments. Instructions for providing comments: Instructions for Reviewers

  • Register for the Wiki. If you already have an account on Wiki or JIRA, our issue-tracking system, simply log in to your account; Wiki and JIRA use the same login credentials. CDISC Wiki is a different login from

Public review is a key quality step in our Standards Development Process. CDISC relies on your input to ensure neutral, consensus-based data standards are developed and adopted by a diverse global community interested in improving research processes and quality for the benefit of all.

Thank you for contributing your time and expertise.