Chinese Translation of SDTMIG v3.3, ADaMIG v1.3 & OCCDS v1.1 Metadata

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Chinese Translation of SDTMIG v3.3, ADaMIG v1.3 & OCCDS v1.1 Metadata

C3C发布CDISC标准(SDTMIG v3.3,ADaMIG v1.3和OCCDS v1.1)元数据的中文版征求意见稿


 中国CDISC协调委员会(C3C)非常荣幸的宣布,SDTMIG v3.3、ADaMIG v1.3和OCCDS v1.1的元数据(Metadata)的中文版初稿进入到征集公众意见阶段。征求意见阶段主要关注对已发布的英文版的标准的翻译语句是否妥当,希望大家多提意见。对于标准本身的内容不接受任何意见。


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Dear CDISC Community,

The Chinese CDISC Coordinating Committee (C3C) is pleased to announce the draft Chinese Translations of the SDTMIG v3.3, ADaMIG v1.3 or OCCDS v1.1 metadata are now entering Public Review. This Public Review focuses solely on the translations of standards, which are already published in English. Comments on the content of the standards will not be addressed.

The Public Review closes 20 March 2025.

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