Type mismatch for ECDOSTOT

Short Name
Type mismatch for ECDOSTOT
Affected Standard
Description of Error

The SDTMIG v3.2 indicates the Type for the ECDOSTOT variables is "Char". However, the correct Type as prescribed by the SDTM is "Num".

Efforts to Correct Error

In SDTMIG v3.3, the Type of ECDOSTOT was updated to be "Num" for consistency with the SDTM.

Concerned Published Element Concerned Published Attribute Published Attribute Value Revised Attribute Value

Impact of Issue Coping Strategy

Data preparers who use the revised Type, "Num" may see validation errors or warnings.

Explain any validation errors or warnings in the Clinical Study Data Reviewers Guide (cSDRG).

Submissions which use the published Type, "Char" and include non-numeric values for ECDOSTOT may result in errors in analysis programs which expect numeric values.

Limit ECDOSTOT values to numeric values.