Tuberculosis Pathogen Testing

This CRF collects questions about tuberculosis pathogen testing.

This CRF is from the CDASHIG v2.2.

Tuberculosis Pathogen Testing
Tuberculosis Pathogen Testing
Was a sputum sample collected? No  Yes  
What was the date the sputum specimen was collected?
 01 Jan 2000
Was an AFB smear performed? No  Yes  
What was the reason the AFB smear was not done?
What was the AFB smear result?
Specimen Type
Microbiology Test Name
Microbiology Test Detail
Was a B-D MGIT culture performed? No  Yes  
What was the date the specimen was inoculated?
 01 Jan 2000
What was the date the B-D MGIT culture result was reported?
 01 Jan 2000
What were the B-D MGIT culture results?
Microbiology Test Name
Microbiology Test Detail
* Mandatory field