The CDASHIG LB domain contains laboratory test data, for tests and measurements performed on collected biological specimens. The LB domain includes but is not limited to hematology, clinical chemistry, and urinalysis data. The LB domain does not include microbiology or pharmacokinetic data, which are represented in separate domains (MB and PP, respectively). CDASH does not specify the actual lab parameters that should be collected.
FORM UPDATE 23 JUN 2022: The question "What was the lab test name?" was repeated in the previous version. In this version, the second instance of the question has been updated to "What was the unit of the lab test result?"
Tests and units may be prepopulated on the CRF. This example CRF is not shown in a vertical structure because the lab unit list is too lengthy. In a vertical structure, the unit codelist has to be inclusive of all analytes.