Global Histologic Disease Activity Score (GHAS)

This CRF collects the Global Histologic Disease Activity Score (GHAS).

"Global Histologic Disease Activity Score (GHAS) [CD_GHAS]" Form Preview
Global Histologic Disease Activity Score (GHAS)
Global Histologic Disease Activity Score (GHAS)
* What was the category of the microscopic finding?
* What was the microscopic measurement detail name?
* What was the specimen reference identifier?
* What was the date of the specimen collection?
 01 Jan 2000
* What was the anatomical location from which the specimen was collected?
* Was epithelial damage assessed? No  Yes  
Epithelial damage Normal  Focal pathology  Extensive pathology  
Why was epithelial damage not assessed?
* Were architectural changes assessed? No  Yes  
Architectural changes Normal  Moderately disturbed (<50%)  Severely disturbed (>50%)  
Why were architectural changes not assessed?
* Was the level of infiltration of mononuclear cells in the lamina propria assessed? No  Yes  
Infiltration of mononuclear cells in the lamina propria Normal  Moderate increase  Severe increase  
Why was the level of infiltration of mononuclear cells in the lamina propria not assessed?
* Was the level of infiltration of polymorphonuclear cells in the lamina propria assessed? No  Yes  
Infiltration of polymorphonuclear cells in the lamina propria Normal  Moderate increase  Severe increase  
Why was the level of infiltration of polymorphonuclear cells in the lamina propria not assessed?
* Was the level of polymorphonuclear cells in epithelium assessed? No  Yes  
Polymorphonuclear cells in epithelium
Why was the level of polymorphonuclear cells in epithelium not assessed?
* Was the presence of erosion and/or ulcers assessed? No  Yes  
Presence of erosion and/or ulcers No  Yes  
Why was the presence of erosion and/or ulcers not assessed?
* Was the presence of granuloma assessed? No  Yes  
Presence of granuloma No  Yes  
Why was the presence of granuloma not assessed?
* Was the number of biopsy specimens affected assessed? No  Yes  
Number of biopsy specimens affected
Why was the number of biopsy specimens affected not assessed?
* Mandatory field

CD GHAS Package