Date and Time:
TUE 14 JUL 2020, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM Eastern US Standard Time
QRS Updates: Logically Skipped Items, EVAL and More
Get updates on how to handle missing data and evaluator in QRS domains. Specifically, we’ll discuss how to represent:
- Missing data which happens due to instrument logic
- Missing data for an unknown reason
- "Check all that apply" responses
- "Other specify" responses
- Administrator/evaluator information when it's collected on a QRS instrument
We’ll also share the latest supplements in progress.
You can submit questions in advance on the webinar registration page. We will also answer additional questions during the webinar.
Dana Booth, SDS QRS Subteam Co-Lead, CDISC
Steve Kopko, SDS QRS Subteam Co-Lead, CDISC
Webinar Language: English
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