Gary Walker has worked in the pharmaceutical industry since 1992 and tells people his career path took the proverbial "scenic route." He started in IT and moved to Research and Development IT, supporting CANDA (Computer Assisted New Drug Applications) submissions. He subsequently moved to Regulatory Affairs and Publishing where Gary helped to create numerous marketing applications and supplements in electronic format from 1997 through 2005. In 2001, while working in regulatory, Gary became a member of the CDISC SDS team. In 2005 Gary moved from regulatory to Data Standards within Quintiles’ Global Data Management department. In this role, Gary supported CDISC standards for data preparation within Data Management and Biostatistics, both for submission using SDTM and in the data collection and cleaning processes of Data Management, through the adoption of SDTM-friendly variables and the use of SDTM naming fragments for non-standard variables. Gary joined the CDASH initiative in 2006 and led the Demographics domain team for version 1.0. Gary continues to actively participate on the work on many of the CDISC standards including SDTM, CDASH and CDISC Library. Prior to leaving Quintiles (now IQVIA), Gary worked within the Innovation group which was focused on new and innovative products, and was part of a team focused on EHR data use for clinical research.