Trisha Simpson

Trisha Simpson

Director of Global Integrated Standards


This spotlight was featured in September 2016.

Trisha is the Director of Global Integrated Standards at UCB, and has been in the pharmaceutical industry for over 25 years. Her work at UCB includes standards governance, sponsoring the Metadata Repository and Clinical Outcomes Assessments Repository (COAR) builds, EHR data retrieval projects, and championing end-to-end standards. 

She was first introduced to and became involved in CDISC in 2002, and as a volunteer, has co-chaired the CDASH team, currently serves as the UCB representative on the CDISC Advisory Council, is a member of the CDISC Technical Leadership Committee, a member of the EHR-to-CDASH (E2C) team, co-leads the Rheumatoid Arthritis Therapeutic Area team, and serves as the UCB representative on the TransCelerate Data Standards and eSource work streams.  

Over the years, Trisha has been an incredible leader and advocate for the adoption and utilization of CDISC standards; she has a passion for ensuring their use for the benefit of patients around the world. “Standards are the only way regulatory agencies [can] truly and thoroughly look at the data and see if a drug is safe. I cannot think of anything more important,” she stated. “We’ve come a long way with our Foundational Standards, but this is just the tip of the iceberg. We have so much more work to do and so many more collaborations to make and take advantage of. I see that we’re going to be very busy in the coming years.”